A revolutionary access to a effortless and injury free running.

Danny Dreyer picked up many movements from children and from his Thai Chi teacher. He collected this experiences and movement patterns in a System named by him Chi Running.
The basic principles are very simple, easy to learn and help each runner to run more relaxed, efficient and above all injury free.

1) It is important that the movement comes from the Tan Tien (Chinese energy point, a view finger wide under the navel).
The arms and legs are rather considered pendulums, moving with the torso.
It is essential to consciously leave the extremities lose.
By practicing it you will realize how tense the body is and how much energy is wasted by this.

2) Head, shoulder, basin and ankle joint should be in one line while running. As for gentle running it is important not to tilt the basin to the back and push it slightly to the front. The basin is like a vessel filled with energy, if you tilt it then you will spill a part of the energy. It might sound a little strange but once you have tried it you will understand.

3) If this position is taken, you have to let you fall to the front like a Nordic Ski-Jumper and before you really fall you make automatically a step.
The idea behind this is that the runner is being pulled forward by the gravity instead of fighting with muscle power against gravity. The faster you want to run the more you have to lean to the front.

Hereby the step frequency stays firm on 85/min, only the length of the steps is changing.

4) You should touch the ground with the middle part of the foot.
You can practice this very easy on sand and check out the foot prints.
The foot print should be very regular.

For more information I would recommend the book "Chi Running" or the Video.
You can reach the website with the following link.


I wish you a lot of joy while training
