(Note: this article is based on my personal experience and those of many of my friends)

A pH value of 7 is the perfect balance between acids and bases; we call everything under it sour. The ideal range for the body is slightly alkaline. The pH of the blood is extremely sensitive to fluctuations of its optimal range between slightly alkaline until 7.3 Ph.  If this value stays under the minimum for some time some serious, even life-threatening problems can occur that - hence one of the main worries of the body is to keep the blood pH in a stable area.

The problem is that our meals are overloaded with acids. We eat and drink masses of sugar, white flour, sodas, coffee and industrial fats. It tries to get rid of the excess of acids through the urine, the digestion, the respiration and by taking calcium from the bones and teeth to neutralize. Since the amounts are so massive the regulation mechanisms of the body are not able to get completely rid of it and the rest ends up in the intercellular space.

Our biological system consists of 60-100 000 000 000 000 cells. A cell is the smallest working unit; with a kernel (genom), Golgi System (production of new cell material), Mitochondrias (power plant of the cell) and the Lysoms (garbage user). Each cell employs approximately 10000 cell enzymes for its work and these enzymes are made from many micro-essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements for a specific function in the body.  These cells "swim" in the intercellular liquid. All essential processes of and to the cell are taking place  in this liquid.

 Since we hardly give opportunity to the body to eliminate this poisons, the formerly clear liquid within the cells changes into a jelly state. It becomes ever more difficult for the supplies to reach the cells and the wastes to leave the cells. As these wastes cannot be eliminated from this jelly fast enough, this fluid becomes more and more solid. The result is, the amount of germs and therefore of infections grows more and more.

If the Ph value falls out of balance, also big problems in the digestive area arise. Germs, parasites, mushrooms have a great time under this conditions.

Some problems disappear automatically if we follow a base-diet. As a multi day runner I have the possibility to try out many possibilities during the running and I have realised, that there are two types of wounds created by running or walking and some skin problems have a lot to do with excess of acid. The change to a diet based on bases always brought an improvement of the situation.

A view examples of
basic food    and     acid food

Zucchini                    Shugar
Cucumber                 white flour
Radishes                   industrial fats
Vegetables                Margarine
Soy products