Press release of 18.09.2000

Guinness-world-record at the 12/24-Hour-Self-Transcendence-Race in Augsburg:

Jeannine Rathien runs 150 km in 24 hours despite an inability to move in the shank.

Ghantika Hammerl (25) from Graz, Austria wins the 12 hour race with 104,905 km for the women's.

Bobingen/Augsburg. Although inability to move in the right shank after an accident, the 34 years old Jeannine Rathjen from Hamburg run at the 12/24-Hour-Self-Transcendence-Race this weekend in Bobingen near Augsburg 150,875 km in 24 hours. With this she set up a new Guinness-Worldrecord. Jeannine is listed in the Guinness book of records since she run 43 marathons in the first year she started with running ('97/'98). With her records she wants to inspire other handicapped people. Running gave her balance, confidence and a better feeling for her body.

With 12 hours rain and record of participants on the 2,186 km loop around the Singoldhalle in Bobingen, Sigur Durtz (48) from Ober-Ramstadt near Darmstadt won the mans race with 218,761 km in 24 hours. Wolfgang Gruber (42) from Grafing near Munich stood second with 205,803 km. Oliver Rupprecht from Bobingen reached the 7th place with 160,806 km.

Helga Harrer (36) from Weissenburg near Ingolstadt won the first place with 175,259 km in the women's 24 hour category. In the 12-Hour-Race Ganthika Hammrl (25) from Graz Austria stood first with among the woman's 104,950 km and Dirk Malsch (30) from Nüsttal-Gotthard near Fulda won with 126,204 km among the men's.